
We are thrilled to announce we raised over $9,000 dollars this year. That is $3,200 for VW School, $3,200 for Sleep In Heavenly Peace to use towards building beds for Manitoba kids, (seen accepting the cheque in the above picture) and $3,200 for Mama Bear Clan to support the needs of the Point Douglas Community.
Course certification:
The LWFC is delighted to announce that our 5k and 10 k courses have been successfully re-certified by the Manitoba Runners’ Association (2023). Our course was measured using the Calibrated Bicycle
Method and a Jones/Oerth Counter and meets the international certification standards.
We love our volunteers; we couldn’t do this without them. We are looking to fill several volunteer
positions, including race marshals, bag check personnel, water station attendants, and lead and end
cyclists. Does your student have a requirement for volunteer hours? The LWFC provides a fantastic opportunity for them to get those volunteer hours and get involved in the community. We would love their help and we can help them by providing the student/school with an official letter confirming their volunteer contribution to our event.
So, if you would like to volunteer, know someone who would like to volunteer, or have any questions, please contact lwfc@outlook.com, or talk to any LWFC committee member.
2024 Finishers’ rewards:
Already have enough race t-shirts? Yes, you probably do and the LWFC agrees! This year, finishers will be rewarded with a fabulous buff.